
March With Soldiers on Historic Battlefields

You can learn a lot from books about battlefield stories and strategies, but nothing can beat standing on the hallowed ground where the battles actually took place. 

Visit PA’s Revolutionary War and Civil War battlefields during a scheduled re-enactment for even greater insight into the military minds of the day and the conditions the soldiers endured, bringing their stories to life. Not just for history buffs, Pennsylvania’s well-preserved battlefields today provide a peace-filled place to connect with nature and the nation’s past.


Learn About the State's Oldest Battles

Visit Fort Ligonier to learn about the French and Indian War battles fought in Pennsylvania. There you'll find the reconstructed fort and museum displaying the weaponry, uniforms, and other artifacts,  with guides to provide a hands-on learning experience of life in the fort.

In 1763, Native American warriors rebelled against British encroachment and broken treaties. In the Battle of Bushy Run — or Pontiac's Rebellion, British forces defeated the Native American warriors. Take a guided or self-guided tour of the Bushy Run Battlefield to explore the landscape, and don't miss the reenactment held each August! 

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Experience the Fight for Independence

Some of the largest historic battlefields and military encampments in Pennsylvania are from the Revolutionary War. The most famous site is Valley Forge National Historical Park where a disparate group of Colonial militias endured a brutal winter, but emerged as a highly disciplined fighting force. Start at the Visitors Center then drive the 10-mile Encampment Tour with stops at major landmarks. 

canon reenactor

Don't Miss These Revolutionary Battlefields

  • Sandy Hollow Heritage Park: The 42-acre grounds are the resting place for the soldiers who died during the battle — one that demonstrated the resolve of the Continental Army despite being outnumbered.
  • Washington Crossing Historic Park: See where Washington made his famous crossing of the Delaware River in 1776 and turned the tide of the war.
  • Paoli Battlefield Historical Park: The Battle of Paoli was brutal, but the massacre of Continental Soldiers who had surrendered to the British was far worse. The self-guided tour tells the story of the massacre that led to the country's first battle cry, “Remember Paoli.”
Special July 1 Battle of Gettysburg Anniversary Hours at the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center

Explore the Battle for Freedom

One of the most well-known Pennsylvania battlefields to visit is Gettysburg, where the bloodiest battle of the Civil War occurred. Learn about the battle, the tactics of Confederate and Union military commanders, and the site's history at the Gettysburg National Military Park and indoor museum. Be sure to explore the battlefields, where 1,328 monuments, memorials, markers, and plaques commemorate those who fought. 

Visit the David Wills House nearby to see where Lincoln completed his Gettysburg Address, which he delivered at the Gettysburg National Cemetery — the final resting place for 3,500 Union soldiers. 

Battlefield Destinations

Trips & Trails

Haunted hayrides, ghost stories and goosebumps

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